News that surprises no one…
Cisco intros AI to find firewall flaws, but it’ll cost you – The Register

In their ongoing effort to put as many price tags as possible on every single thing they sell, Cisco decided to Cisco their wording in the only way Cisco knows how.
There’s an ongoing trend in cybersecurity where the vendors are vowing to integrate narrow AI into all their products. The problem with this, I feel as a person who is in no way an AI expert, is that NAI (Narrow AI) can nominally train on a concept but has no way to train on context. I believe contextualization requires general AI.
Now I am a cybersecurity professional and I feel that I’m in some degree an expert at certain intricacies in the field, and I understand in my daily work that context is everything. Yes NAI will be a great tool but it shouldn’t be a trusted authority. I do think using NAI to find a flaw in a firewall config is a great idea, but it absolutely should not be depended upon 100%. If the NAI says “everything is great, your firewall is fine…”
And you trust it without going in and doing your own verification, well, here’s a thumbs up for you.