Category Archives: Opinion

Dispatches From The Rotting Carcass

Cover Image: “White-backed vultures eating a dead wildebeest” by Magnus Kjaergaard is licensed under CC BY 3.0 .

The FCC Will Be Gutted And You WILL REJOICE (

Straight from the Project 2025 playbook is the gutting of the FCC, which will take a back seat to corporate interests. I guarantee you that there are telecom companies waiting to carve up that precious radio spectrum like an expensive Christmas turkey.

The people will be asked to comment but it isn’t like we’ll be listened to:

We already know what to expect from this:

It’s a massive “deregulation initiative,” a codeword for “party over here!”

Look for the public use rights around 900 MHz to go away. Let’s also take away more of the amateur spectrum while we’re at it guys!

Atheism And The Game of Life

“The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds..” – Carl Sagan

Conway’s Game of Life, or simply the Game of Life, has fascinated me for a long time. There’s an expansive Wikipedia article on this unasuming little game, so I’m not going to go into some of the more Gee Wiz aspects of it, such as how it is Turning complete and you can run the entire game of life within itself. Click the link to find out about that stuff.

I’m going to focus on one thing only, then I’m going to completely blow it all out of proportion and then settle on what I believe is a truth about myself.

The game board and rules of Conway’s Game of Life, and from here on out I’m going to refer to it as CGoL, are simple.

You have a grid of squares, of any size, that doesn’t matter. This is an infinite two dimensional grid. The top wraps around to the bottom, the left side wraps around to the right, and vice versa. Each square on the grid has two states, alive (filled), or dead (empty). This makes up the CGoL universe.

There are 4 rules in the CGoL universe:

  1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation.
  2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
  3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
  4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.

You can start a game of CGoL with randomness or you can start with a blank universe and fill/draw the squares yourself, but I like to start with a random universe.

Here’s an example using a version for Linux available on Flathub.

Playing the game is accomplished by just starting the simulation.

As the simulation runs, the computer calculates each subsequent generation based on the rules and as squares on the grid live or die, patterns begin to emerge from the noise. If you have a universe big enough and watch carefully, you’ll notice something escape clusters of chaos and walk, or glide, across the board.

Meet the glider:

I personally like to refer to it as a walker, but for the sake of standard I’ll call it the glider.

I never focused on the glider much, I was more interested in the fact CGoL seems to mirror our own univrerse and its eventual demise by heat death, as the game winds down to either a sate with no movement whatsoever, or lone oscillations, it seems almost depressingly real that these little dots in the game come to represent our own pale blue dot (Earth) and it’s place in a universe where we seem to be alone, maybe, maybe not.

I know that CGoL doesn’t quite get to the point of “heat death” as most games settle out with at least some filled squares, but it’s shockingly prophetic regardless.

While letting the game run in the background, and looking at the gliders that would occasionally emerge, I decided to conduct a little experiment.

I ran a game and let it settle to a state where it only has oscillators and dots, also known as still lifes.

I then drew three gliders on the board.

I then hit play. The gliders, which can also be called spaceships, began moving down the board and to the right. Where they collided with oscillators or dots. Some chaos sprung forth and eventually the universe settled on a new state, with new dots, and new oscillators.

I had been expecting a whole new level of chaos with new subsequent generations of drama, but it didn’t last long. There’s probably a lesson somewhere in there. But that’s not what drew me towards trying this, and then finally away from it into a realization.

I have to wonder, in that vast space of low gas pressure in between the planets and the stars, the solar systems, nebulae, and galaxies, where the distance to the nearest restroom is measured with scientific notation, where it is extremely cold and very, very empty, does our own universe’s little gliders pop into existence to play their own little Game of Life?

Do they collide with each other and then explode into seemingly chaotic patterns? Do they breed new gliders that shoot off into their own unknowns? Personally, I don’t think so. Though if it did, we’d probably never know.

Is it more likely that our solar system is one of those chaotic masses of patterns, a huge oscillator? Are we, or are our descendents destined to be the gliders. Will we glide off into the cosmos, where some will die, while others will encounter or create their new and very very wonderful chaos?

I personally think it’s likely that we started out with randomness, a beautiful chaotic randomness where a set of laws dictated how we are now, what we were, and what we will become in the future.

Will we ever know where we came from? At the end of the universe will we settle into still lifes, or oscillators, or both an unmoving snapshot of the final state in this, our own Game of Life. Has the game already ended and is our entire universe just one dot in an even larger Game of Life, stuck in oscillation with other dots? After all, CGoL is Turing complete and can simulate itself. 😉

But really? I don’t know.

I just don’t know.

I am an atheist, and I am totally fine with this.

“Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.” – Carl Sagan

Daily Commentary for 2/16/2024

In Formula 1 news, I’m taking the news that Lewis Hamilton signed a contract to drive for Ferrari in 2025 in stride. It means I have to switch allegiences from the Silver Arrows (Mercedes Petronas) to the prancing horse. At least last year their cars no longer catch fire on a regular basis. 🤣

Don’t get me started on VCARB…. I’m not even going to link that one.

Microsoft’s Dangerous Addiction To Security Revenue – SentinelOne

I want to point out this one paragraph and say, bravo!

They need to throw away this poisonous idea of security as a separate profit center and rededicate themselves to shipping products that are secure-by-default while providing all security features to all customers. I understand the need to charge for log storage or human services, but we should no longer accept the idea that Microsoft’s basic enterprise offerings (including those paid for by the US taxpayer) should lack the basic features necessary to protect against likely attacks.

Alex Stamos

If you use Microsoft products on a regular basis in a professional capacity, you see this tendency of Microsoft to upsell what could be basic security features that any organization should employ to protect themselves. Microsoft’s sales people have a tendency to get excited about, and spend a great deal of time praising, a new Microsoft365 or Azure feature and then when pressed on license requirements, will state after the entire presentation, that it requires either an E5 license or is a separate SKU entirely. “Just upgrade to an E5 license and you’re all set! What’s wrong with you!?” I think they know that if they start by saying “new E5 level feature” people will lose interest.

Many organizations choose E3 because it’s “good enough” but I think the real reason is that its cheaper. I don’t blame them. When you start doing the math the E5 license costs can become intolerable real fast. But what do you lose?

In the good old days of on-prem you had all the logging you could want and the only real cost was disk space, or speed if you chose verbose logging options. You could easily clear that up by rotating the logs. And you want to keep logs. Logs are bread and butter in the security world. Threat hunting and incident response would be a shot in the dark without logs.

Enter Microsoft365 and the Azure cloud, and Microsoft’s premium price tag for logging access. Microsoft Azure logging facilities are terrible and you are subject to changes in the “user experience” that can and will break your workflows. If you want better access to those logs, be prepared to pay a premium. The same goes for simply accessing certain logs for security purposes that you would otherwise easily retrieve on-prem at no additional monthly cost.

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, the EDR incarnation of their Defender antivirus product, has a threat hunting/incident response feature. If you get the EDR license for Defender you don’t get the log query functionality unless you have an even more pricey license per user.

This is not to mention all the other premium security protections that you have to subscribe to in order to fully secure your cloud tenant. This is the “nickel meet dime meet existential danger” problem of the cloud, where it’s not merely costly and inconvenient, it can have real world consequences as we all wait for Microsoft to admit the next breach that “hit a small percentage of our customers” when said customers could have had faster warning had they only subscribed to Microsoft’s coveted E5 license and paid a small fortune for all the other logging access, a dozen or so SKUs that require a monthly fortune.

Cloud security takes a team of security people, and not just Microsoft’s Security Resource Center.

In the Shadow of Silicon Valley – ZNetwork

I was struck by two things in this Article. The first is how much we’ve been mislead on what’s really going down in San Francisco. The second is just how much San Francisco’s fate is tied to the whims and machinations of the tech-bro elite.

Fast Radio Bursts – XKCD

Finally, a great XKCD strip about noise in the data. We’ve all been there, even the blue team.


“How To Build A Fully Offline Smart Home, Or Why You Should Not” fully agree with major blogs that seem to just give a nod to “hacking”

Unfortunately this Hackaday article, while starting out strong just drops a cynical load of “everything is bad so just let the internet control your home.”

So-called ‘smart home’ appliances and gadgets have become an ever-more present thing the past years, with nary a coffeemaker, AC unit or light bulb for sale today that doesn’t have an associated smartphone app, cloud service and/or subscription to enable you to control it from the beach during your vacation, or just set up automation routines to take tedium out of your busy schedule. Yet as much

Source: How To Build A Fully Offline Smart Home, Or Why You Should Not

Daily Commentary for 1/9/2024

I’m catching up on my backlog of interesting links.

Why Not Use All Three Browsers At Once?

Because I’m a masochist I’m literally using FIrefox, Chrome, and Edge (also Chrome) for various tasks. I have intentionally left ad filtering off for both Chrome and Edge and oh boy is this gonna be fun!

Microsoft® is modifying your keyboard. Can you guess what they’re doing?

Microsoft® is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994 – Ars Technica

Microsoft® is adding a key for Copilot®. I think I’m going to stick with what I have and maybe just continue using Linux?The Windows® key was okay I guess, but adding a new “Copilot® key” just tells me they’re going to force Copilot® on everyone.

Security Is Everyone’s Responsibility

23andMe: “Negligent” Users at Fault for Breach of 6.9M Records (

I can understand where 23andMe’s lawyers are coming from. Their bias is to their client (or employer). I’m not saying that the company’s response to the class action lawsuit against them is right. In fact I think it’s utterly typical “corporate personhood” BS. At least they said something this time and didn’t just “stay silent” against the naysayers.

I also feel that the thing highlighted below in bold proves how far we in the cybersecurity sector have yet to go.

“Everyone should know better than to use an unhygienic credential,” says Steve Moore, vice president and chief security strategist at Exabeam. “But at the same time, the organization that provides the service ought to have capabilities to limit the risk of that.”

23andMe: “Negligent” Users at Fault for Breach of 6.9M Records (

Everyone SHOULD know better. Everyone should know that the best time to deal with a security breach of your account is before it even happens. Not just “assume breach” but actually prevent the breach in the first place by using multifactor, considering hardware tokens, biometrics, passkeys, etc. Just keeping your stuff up to date is only part of the picture, you MUST remain vigilant. Not a paranoid type of vigilant that Hollywood and the news media, and even some cybersecurity companies LOVE to take advantage of (just look at the whole “juice jacking” hype). Just basic things like not re-using passwords, and using long passphrases (with spaces) goes a long way.

And we should be doing this every day when we have conversations with people. We should be educating people and also following our own best practices to boot.

Facebook introduces another way to track you – Link History | Malwarebytes

You don’t say!

No really. I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you. Go to the article for instructions on how to control this.

ChatGPT bombs test on diagnosing kids’ medical cases with 83% error rate – Ars Technica

I do have some concern that people could be using ChatGPT for life advice though. It shouldn’t just be concern that people might be out of a job that drives this research. The amount of harm that could already be happening even with guardrails in place is something that should give everyone pause.

Awesome AD Alert!




Is this a war game or an erotic dating sim?

I think its a little from column A, and a little from column B.


Daily Commentary for 1/3/2024

Happy New Year!

Google Groups is ending support for Usenet to combat spam – BleepingComputer

I signed up for a free Usenet service a while back with the intention of accessing it with Mozilla Thunderbird and see if newsgroups were still useful as a communications medium. After an hour of viewing what has become of Usenet, at least the alt newsgroups, I can very much understand why Google Groups made this decision (strangely enough I thought they stopped supporting Usenet a long time ago but I digress).

Usenet has many of the same problems that email does, with the added bonus of being even more distributed in a “one to many” way of message flow, by design if you think of it as a forum (it is). Usenet’s cracks are too big to patch and smell of rotten spam. There’s better ways to have discussions on the internet now anyway and I just don’t think there’s reason to go back unless everyone wants to content with an overhauled system when they might as well use something like the Fediverse (Mastodon, Firefish, etc).

Usenet was a springboard in the early Internet, but like Gopher, FTP, etc, we’ve evolved passed it.

AI is capable of running entire companies call center scams now.

Now if only they could only just learn how to properly “human” their necks, ear-rings, glasses, shirt collars, clothing dimensions, etc, that’d be great.

The source of the image above is here, and yes this is a fax/call center scam site:

Remember when Mozilla made a web browser? – jwz

I see a possible future where our interaction with data on the internet is through language models exclusively. You will have no choice because your browser will require it and all the open source browsers with poor market share will also not work very well with the new web standards. “WebAI” (let’s just call it that) is on the horizon and right now its looking outright dystopian.

Mozilla pivoting to AI and possibly ditching Firefox? Firefox already has usable forks but what does that really mean for the future whenever everyone is using Chrome (Google) and Edge (Microsoft), content and ad delivery systems with baked in tracking and AI disguised as web browsers?

I think the answer is be aware of this and keep pushing for open source that isn’t tied to a major corporate name.