Commentary for 11/28/2023

I’m trying something new with my blog after changing its location and name, and taking into account commentary by close friends and family who think I should do something with my writing ability. So I will be doing a daily commentary where I just keep a new post open, adding to it as I go along. Here’s the inaugural post. Enjoy!

Microsoft paid billions for an idiot AI, a prime example.

I don’t think AI is a good descriptor for this. We probably need to start adding N to AI and just call it for what it is NAI (Narrow AI), pronounced “Nay” đŸ¤£

This is my favorite image from the linked post above.

A man who lacks ethics trying to “help women out” is still a man who lacks ethics.

I don’t know, maybe this could be called the “tech bro” approach to what they think is “charity,” when in reality it is a fundamental problem with their worldview.

Male Tech Conference Founder Is Behind Popular Woman Coding Influencer Account – 404Media – Free Account Required

At least the tech bro admitted it in this case…..

And then totally blamed everyone else, as tech bros are known to do. Because it OBVIOUSLY couldn’t be his own poor decisions right? All that hard work down the drain.

Tech Conference Collapses After Organizer Admits to Making Fake ‘Auto-Generated’ Female Speaker – 404Media – Free Account Required

Yes…. Yes you were… (The tweet is longer but this snippet is so funny.)

I always like this kind of energy.

iOS 17 NameDrop privacy scare: What you need to know – Bitdefender

Just because law enforcement posted it doesn’t mean the threat is severe enough to warrant ImMeDiAtE AcTiOn to disable a feature. To quote the author:

You also need to confirm your desire to share your details via NameDrop with the other person.

Apple built guardrails/guideposts and several layers of protection into iOS. You have to be proactive to use NameDrop. Someone isn’t just going to walk by you with a suitcase full of hax0r kit and steal your dox unless you disable it. This doesn’t mean that there’s not some vulnerability lurking around in the feature, yet-to-be exploited, but mobile phone security researchers will be taking this apart and reporting anything they find on up to apple to be fixed.

The author concludes this brief FAQ/Article with a nod to the human factor, the wetware vulnerability that’s always requires vigilance on the part of the wetware operator to prevent exploitation. The layers of security and guardrails apple built for your protection are useless if you’re careless with your device…

And if you’ve been careless enough to have left your iPhone unattended and unlocked so a stranger can meddle with it, there’s all kinds of trouble they could cause. Stealing your contact information may be the very least of your worries.

Law enforcement could do so much better than to scaremonger, but it’s part of their “we’re keeping you safe folks!” messaging. I’m reminded of this classic image, re-posted here with absolutely no permission given…